Saturday, January 14, 2006

"Always start with the beginning"

Meeting head-on the challenge of bloggying, I start with a very basic and universal truth that I force myself to remember whenever taking a demanding task: always start with the beginning.
And the beginning, I've come to learn, becomes easier by laying out the objective and the rules of that everyone's clear on why/what the hell you are talking about.

So, being the owner of this space, it is with a smile that I lay out the terms:
i) One shall use this space for all/every/any idea/thought/mental masturbation that one feels is worthwhile sharing.
ii) One shall be as concise/pointless, rational/illogical, structured/chaotic as one freakin' thinks it should be.
iii) One shall attempt to provide the very minimum of useful/interesting/intelectually stimulating information

Putting this in lay words, this is my creation, the making of a world of my own, where I pull together all the things that are making me tick at each point in time.
At a subconcious level, this is the way I've found to take a closer look at what the world is living. So far, keeping up with the pace of time and knowledge is prooving to be quite a difficult task, so I'm hoping that this will push me to learn, diggest and share (these two can be interchanged)...and whoever else is unwise enough to do the same.
In the end, its all about quenching the thirst.


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