Saturday, June 13, 2020

100 years in 6months.

2020. So far it's been just 6 months and Humanity is exhausted.
Struggling to breathe, struggling to survive, struggling to keep darkness away.
Just too much, too intensily, in too little time.
Feels like 100 years have just passed.

The one that got away

Feelings of Nostalgia Can Make Us More Patient

Every now and again it comes back to me.
Uncontrollable nostalgia. A thousand scenarios playing at once. 
Feelings long neglected.
All flowing back. Love. Confidence. Pride. Strength. Limitless.

Nostalgia is a tricky mirage in the arid desert of self compassion. Takes you in on false promises, only to break you a little further.
Beware of that dog. Keep your distance, Prudence. It barks louder that you can hear.

And yes, you might have lost, you abandoned it.
You cannot retrieve it. You cannot rewind. Retreat. Reverse. Undo.
Too much time has passed.
But today, you have more. Different, maybe. But more.
You can embrace. Rebuild. Improve. Adjust.

Just don't let go.
Keep it close. In those old treasure chests you keep away from everyone, especially from yourself.
It can still feel your pulse, pounding.