A recount of Gap Year
Last week I had an interview with a Nova MBA student who is building her thesis on the topic of Gap Years and their impact on a career. Courtesy of Pedro Ramos, international connector.
For an hour I had the chance to relive and reflect on a key experience of my life that, among other things, I regret never properly documenting.
Why didn’tI?
Things happened so fast, logistics were not always friendly, or I was too tired at the end of each day to make a thorough account of the day’s events. At least that is what I wish happened. Truth is - as RIDICULOUS and SHALLOW as it may be - I never got beyond my initial web journal post because it wasn’t perfect enough to build on it. And until I fixed it (the wallpaper, my intro, or whatever it was), I couldnt add anything to it. And then time started to pass by and i had posts in delay, and now i couldnt publish it (ie share it w friends) and now whats the point.
My vanity, or need to validation, got me to a point of paralysis. Because what started as an intention to record my steps, my unconfessional journal of “The time I went travelling alone with nothing by a backpack and my thoughts”...got taken over by the opportunity to show off and get praise and validation. And that raised the bar of what to say, and how to say it, with which pictures...As so nany other things, ended up in the mixed bag of “later ill sort it and put it all well together”.