Sunday, March 28, 2021

It's up to you

 It's very, very simple to get what you want, 

but it's not easy.

It's your job to make yourself do the crap you don't wanna do, 

so you can be everything

you're supposed to be.

And you're so damn busy

waiting to feel like it.

And you're never going to. Ever.

No one's coming.

No one.

No one's coming to push you, 

No one's coming to tell you to turn the tv off, 

No one's coming to tell you to get out the door and exercise,

nobody's coming to tell you to apply for that job you've always dreamt about.

Nobody's coming to write the business plan for you.

It's up to you.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Pride by Choice

Today I came across a Jeff Bezos speech that stuck with me.

When it comes to success and achievements and talent, you should be proud of your CHOICES not your Talents.

Your talents were given to you, were gifts. They come essy to you.

But the choice of fighting hard, of wanting to overcome the hard challenges, those are worth of pride.

I like that.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Melhor abraço do mundo

O melhor abraço do mundo.

É só meu. 

Quente, doce, cálice de amor incondicional e intransmissível. 

É só meu. 

Sentido com a intensidade de gerações infinitas.

É só meu. 

Momento de cumplicidade impossível numa história contada uma e mil vezes.

É só meu. 

E quantas vezes bebido com o coração a meia-haste, por angústias malditas.

Mas hoje e sempre é só meu, o melhor abraço do mundo.