Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Did you know that...?

  • During the crusades, the christian army, apart from being extremely strong and pityless, was also carnivorous

"The inhabitants of the region of Maarat witness, during this disturbing winter, to a behaviour that cannot only be explained by hunger. They see waves of fanatic frany (occidental invaders), that scatter across the country claiming to want to eat the meat of the arabs". As one european historian put it "To our own, it didn't repugnate them to eat the turquish or arabs they killed, or even dogs!"

  • The biggest advantage the christians had was the apathy of the entire Middle East sultans and cadís, especially when they had something to gain from the european conquest.

"Behold with what obstinacy they fight for their religion, while we, the Muslims, show no enthusiasm for waging holy war."

  • Today's common designation 'assassin' derives from an arab political-religious sect that took down prominent politians in public squares. Volunteering to be part of these events meant death most of the times, as the population usually raged against the perpretator. But the serenity and the willingness to kill and die of the members who volunteered led experts to claim they were under the effect of drugs as "hashishinyun" or "hashashin" (same as saying 'assassin' with a pencil in between your teeth).

Amazing the stuff you learn in the books! Or how another friend of mine would put...I'm flabbergasted! (british accent needed!)


Blogger Airness said...

Mais uma vez uns brilhantes excertos contudo a origem da palavra assassino (ou assassin) não tem uma explicação coerente e é em tudo controversa. Aliás foi no segundo livro de Dan Brown que ele emite uma teoria, que é parcialmente diferente da apresentada pelo autor do teu livro. Enfim é para tirar dúvidas que o wikipedia existe.


Nevertheless, sem refutar o teu post... apraz-me verificar o brilhantismo do mesmo.


2:34 AM  

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