Sunday, February 04, 2007

Note #1 @ Peru: Profile of the Inca sons

Dirty dark skin, deep dark eyes, humble expression...these are traits that make the descendance of the (rough) Inca people. Quiet and peaceful, they have tenderness in their nature whether making friends or ends meat. And this seems to reflect throughout age and social structure:

- their elder seem wise and experienced,
- their youngsters seem to respect segniority (rather than authority), with an distintictive obedience.
- their men seek to work in the cities
- their women embrace their role as work

Other than that, they follow the natural "social genetics" of latin people: very open, accessible and relaxed. Their smile and openness welcome you wherever you go, even more if you are european! In fact, acting & living like europeans seems to be one of their key aspirations - apart from the obvious interest they have in garanteeing a job in tourism (fed by europeans), they seem to take joy & pride in learning english, french, italian, portuguese...
Having european friends (from wherever) is considered a priviledge of a small segment, often perceived as those who are more likely to succeed in a life built abroad.

Yes, they are allured by economic wellbeing (who wouldn't be) but their attitude towards life and poverty is envidious; they live their "poor condition" in full joy and optimism rather than cry and beg for richness. Well, of course, they would like to have more, but they face what they have with a sense of serenity and fate, rather blaiming and cursing others for what they never got to have.

This deserves an applause.


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