Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The problem with labelling

Labelling. Something we do every day... "That man has got to be stupid", "All rich kids are superfluous and empty"; "Look at how that woman dresses...She's definitely a slut!" (the last one is my favorite, I confess...)
You tend to think that its harmless. Nasty but harmless. And it is, most of the times, and in most of the situations at least. There are always some example that proves you otherwise.
Take the gentleman of the paintings - Amadeo de Souza Cardoso. Born in 1887, this humble-rooted portuguese man, studied and dedicated his life to painting. Well, according to those who know better, it was more than painting...He was a visionary, that sought to integrate in his work the inspiring art of his colleagues and even friends - Modigliani, Brancusi, Juan Gris, etc. He was a very special "futurist" embedding in his art, cubist, expressist and even fauvist influences...assimilating all and belonging to none. At the peak of his short career he shared the exhibition spotlight with great art names such as that of Picasso (!)
The misfortune knocked on his door with, of course, labelling. After one if his exhibitions in the US, where some of his unorthodox artworks were displayed, an art critic (yes, one of those species that can dictate the artists' future pretty much like Cesaer, with the rule of thumb) classified or labelled as cubist.
Soon, others would follow this opinion and fail to understand the vanguarde in his life, work, paintings. Together with political uncertainty and a fatal disease, this contributed to Amadeo's short yet brilliant career.
He did at 31.
P.s. Those who can, pls visit the Amadeo Souza Cardoso Gulbienken exhibition @ Lisbon. And if you can tag along a guided tour, even better. You get to learn interesting things about the man.


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