Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sphere Theory - Introduction

There's something about the human nature that's simply fascinating. I do not know what it is about it that draws my interest, whether the unpredictability of our behaviour, the mysteries of our minds, our unconscious dealing with our surroundings...or all of it together. I guess that is why all social sciences typically find some space in my list of interesting reading.

Out of all the possible relations one has with the surrounding environment - be it other people or even non organic things - the one that strikes me as most interesting is of course that of human relationships. There is much said already on the topic, as others find it just as I do a good subject to write on. But no matter how much the scholars dictate their scientific bla bla, its oh-so-much funnier to create your own theory, your own reasoning & perspective. You don't even have to be coeherent!

This is the boring introduction (cannot avoid the "2 minute background on this"). Read next post!


Blogger Airness said...

OK... you clearly need to create an SMS service that gives us (millions of freakin fanatics that worship your work) the opportunity to know exactly when the post will be "posted". Don't give us too much expectations, they can later be used to make harsher comments. just kidding, cheers!

2:03 AM  

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